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Supports the administration of business partners, long-term and short-term bilateral contracts and energy flows.

Allows integration with various trading information systems so it can be implemented as an independent part for reporting to RRM respectively ACER. Supports data transfer via external data interface (web services technology), import from file (XLS) or direct transformation of the trading system database data structures.

Daily diagrams

Covers generation of daily diagrams from the contracts and their automatic daily and intraday registration in deviations biller.

Balance groups

Ensures generation of daily diagrams from the contracts and their automatic daily and intraday registration at deviation biller.


Supports import of measurements from system operators and from the measurement systems. Imported data are aggregated on the customers and balance groups' level and visualized according to related tariffs.

Energy allocation

The module supports import of e-invoices of operators of distribution services, allocation of energy supplies for customers.


Allows calculation of payments and invoicing. It generates proforma and final invoices based on contracts, tariffs' pricelist, measured data and contract. It also supports mass invoicing.


Allows communication with bank, post office and accounting system. It allows automated matching of payments and monitoring of financial discipline of the subjects.

Off take and supply planning

Supports management of diagrams, generation and management of off take and supply including its optimization which enter into prediction and consumption and supply planning.

Purchase optimization

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Consulting and analyses in power industry
Processing of technical data
Processing of graphic data
Processing of CAD data
Sale and installation of software
Sale and installation of hardware
Accredited certification services for electronic signature
Double-entry bookkeeping, maintenance of personnel and payroll agenda
Virtual reality
Energy trading
Electricity dispatching
Facility management and maintenance
Devices and equipment lifecycle management
Technological networks management
Technical documentation maintenance
Road network management
Energetic networks design
Maps, atlases and other map works
Technical information systems
Trading information systems for power industry
Consulting and analyses in power industry
Graphic applications
Municipal information systems
Professional portals
sféra workshops
Legislative obligations