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Count item:  58
Support of processes in Slovenske elektrarne, a.s.

Our company provides service and support activities necessary for running the XMatik®.NET/AZD system for Slovenske elektrarne, a.s.. Support processes involve the integration processes of measurement of electricity invoicing in the Datawarehouse of ...

Support service of the power dispatching in ZSSK

After delivery of the power dispatching to Zeleznicna spolocnost Slovensko, a.s., based on XMatik®.NET/ISOM and its successful deployment in production operations, our company realizes project of technical and technological support for its operation...

Information System for Facility Management and Maintenance in Duslo, a.s.

Success in tender for "Facility Management System" means that we are implementing a complex information system XMatik®.NET/FMM V10.3 which supports facility management and maintenance in Duslo a.s. Individual modules of the information system p...

Railways of the Slovak republic uses XMatik®.NET/ISOM V10.2

We provide supply and complete installation of a solution for collection, monitoring and evaluation of measured data of electric energy consumption by railway vehicles in a distribution network in relation to processing of billing data for the railwa...

Complex support and administration of system in SEPS, a.s.

SEPS, a.s. (Slovak electricity transmission system, Plc.) renewed yearly contract for complex support of Technical information system based on XMatik®.NET. The contract ensures activities necessary for administration and full function of Techni...

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