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Solution for administration and maintenance of building and its equipment is based on ArchiFM product - top software tool in the field of building administration. It ensures administration and recording of building and equipment with maximum speed and efficiency. It is suitable for both medium and large companies. The solution allows continuous control and perfect overview, in spite of constantly growing requirements, equipment and related documents. Simple and intuitive handling, efficiency and speed of implementation are its main priorities. The right combination of standards and possible settings suits specific user demands. Our solution allows adopt quick and correct decisions based on complete and exact information.

Why ArchiFM?

Transparency and reliability

ArchiFM uses the so called Virtual Building Concept, which represents the connection of graphic and database information. The graphic display is interconnected with the database part by online connection (Real synch. technology). This ensures that any change in graphics is immediately transferred into the common database and vice versa. Such an information system does not contain any duplicate data.
ArchiFM, as the first computer aided system for management and maintenance of buildings, has gained the Designed for Windows XP certificate from the Microsoft.


Internet and intranet are currently a matter of course for each company. ArchiFM provides the possibility of a WebServer application for simple access to data via the Internet browser (e. g. Internet Explorer). The ArchiFM WebServer also provides the unique possibility to minimise costs for acquisition and implementation of the system.

Specific output

The ArchiFM system contains a professional product for the generation of standard output by the Seagate Company - Crystal Reports, which is suitable for the most demanding users. Simple output creation according is strictly specified to users requirements (lists of tenants, property, rooms and costs, ...).

ArchiFM and other company systems

ArchiFM was developed with the help of open standards, which enable simple interconnection with existing software (e.g. SAP, MS Access, MS Excel, ...).

Possibilities to extend

Our solution for bulding maintenance, based on ArchiFM, is completely flexible.

Maintenance management

ArchiFM Maintenance extension ensures complex solution in the field of maintenance management. It allows process automation in every stage of processing periodic or operative maintenance activities. ArchiFM Maintenance automatically generates orders, reports, invoices and term or store warnings.

Data access from various areas or distant branches?

Comfortable distant data access is ensures by ArchiFM WebServer. Only correct user password is necessary and you can see data, print output or change database according to actual needs and competences. This is possible with common application Internet Explorer and connection through Internet or Intranet.

Inventory control

Our solution has the possibility to manage the inventory by bar code. The inventory control becomes fun due to this technology. With mibile device is possible to read the inventory in a room and save or compare the data with the ArchiFM data. Operative inventory control and current inventory state is natural in our solution.

Quick and exact answers to following questions

What is the energy spending on one employee?
Are all areas efficiently used?
Are there some reserves in company property administration?
Is data security sufficient?
Are the current data always available?

provides ArchiFM and allows solving of various problems in building administration !!

Choose what you need from our products


Consulting and analyses in power industry
Processing of technical data
Processing of graphic data
Processing of CAD data
Sale and installation of software
Sale and installation of hardware
Accredited certification services for electronic signature
Double-entry bookkeeping, maintenance of personnel and payroll agenda
Virtual reality
Energy trading
Electricity dispatching
Facility management and maintenance
Devices and equipment lifecycle management
Technological networks management
Technical documentation maintenance
Road network management
Energetic networks design
Maps, atlases and other map works
Technical information systems
Trading information systems for power industry
Consulting and analyses in power industry
Graphic applications
Municipal information systems
Professional portals
sféra workshops
Legislative obligations