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SFÉRA became signatory to Memorandum of Cooperation in the framework of the Slovak Research Center for Artificial Intelligence slovak.AI


Representative of the company SFÉRA, a.s. Mr. Juraj Bezděk signed Memorandum of Cooperation in the framework of the Slovak Research Center for Artificial Intelligence slovak. AI.

We became one of the 29 founding entities of slovak.AI, which unites universities, institutes of Slovak Academy of Science, commercial companies as well as public and government authorities.

One of the first activities of slovak.AI was preparation of recommendations for Action plan for digital transformation of the Slovak Republic proposed by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the SR for Investments and Informatization.

Slovakia has started to face „technological unemployment“. OECD ranked us among the most vulnerable countries endangered by automation and robotization. At the same time we are confronted with large outflow of high quality people, and our education system does not reflect fast enough on changing needs of job market. Technological trends led by artificial intelligence have already started to fundamentally change economic development as well as ordinary life of every person. Its right use is therefore crucial for innovative economy and sustaining competitiveness.

Thus, slovak.AI has elaborated recommendations in four areas:

Our colleague Juraj Bezděk acted as leader of the working group Business & Public sector. The final document (in Slovak) with all recommendations may be downloaded here – AI Recommendations.

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