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Bike to work 2019 - SFÉRA stays on top!


This year again we joined the national campaign Bike to Work. “Bike-friendly” environment of SFÉRA benefited 16 colleagues who created 4 teams. During the month of May, they completed 413 rides to work and back home. Altogether, they rode 4023.53 kilometres. According to the organizers' calculation, they helped to save 1,010.08 kg of CO2 emissions.

The results of SFÉRA teams:

Name Numbers of rides Number km CO2 (kg)
Pozor, nebrzdím! 168 2 166,12 545,71
sfé®aci 162 1 174,97 293,74
Pali sa pýta? 33 408,94 102,24
Dvojkolesníci 50 273,50 68,38

Our most successful team Pozor, nebrzdím! defended the first place from last year in the number of rides in Bratislava. Tatiana Kratochvílová, the deputy head of the mayor of Bratislava at the ceremony, presented the award to our colleagues.

Team Pozor, nebrzdím! (down from the left): Milan Mrocek, Libor Láznička, Lucia Liptáková a Pavol Kianička.

Source of photographs: Capital City of Slovakia - Bratislava




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