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Count item:  58
Complex support and administration of the Technical information system

SEPS, a.s., again, gave an order for provision of advisory services and complex support of Technical information system in the area of administration and management of electric stations maintenance, distributions and additional objects of property of...

Deviations billing on electricity market according to the rules effective from June 1st, 2006

SEPS, a.s. took decision to ensure difficult task - to implement new legislative rules in accordance with ÚRSO 0038/2006/E decision - processing and evaluation of regulation electricity, support of intraday cross-border trading and matching on t...

Business meeting OFS 2005

From December 20th - 21st, 2005, a business meeting, where were 9 employees of sféra, a.s. and 16 employees of SEPS, a.s., was held in the hotel Galbov mlyn in Viničné. The participants evaluated functionality of commercial-billing system ...

Deviations billing on electricity market according to the rules effective from January 1st, 2006

SEPS, a.s. took up a challenge - till December 31st, 2005, to implement a new legislative rules in deviations billing in the electricity market, which are effective from January 1st, 2006, by means of XMatik® NT/OFS V9.0 product delivery. This...

TIS operation rating in 2005

From November 24th - 25th, 2005, a traditional business meeting of sféra a.s., and SEPS, a.s. was held in hotel Galbov mlyn in Viničné. Topic of the meeting, where were participated 19 representatives of SEPS, a.s. and 10 representatives of...

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